Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Quick Quotes Layout

Here's a layout I finished yesterday. It is a kit that I bought from Quick Quotes. This kit is called "What Little Girls are made of". I decided to change the layout quite a bit. The kit had the tags with sayings going horizontal across the page. I covered them with black and white pictures of the people I travelled to the Dominican with. The larger picture on the right page is the 3 friends I knew heading out and myself. I soon got to know the other 9 people really well and had a real ball travelling with them. I also changed the sentiments so it wasn't about little girls but added on some vellum with travel sayings on it to the remaining tags. I added lots of rhinestones and the tropical flowers to finish it off. These kits are handy when you don't want to do any thinking. I find they're affordable and quick to put together. I just always add my own take onto them. Hope you enjoy, and check out Quick Quotes website.
Hugs xx

1 comment:

Karen Wilson said...

Love this too .. love all that pink!